Dana Ehrlich - The Fresh Start Attorney

Ever notice how a new coat of paint on a wall can make all the difference in the world? It has the ability to conceal any scratches or other imperfections and gives the room a "fresh start." There are some things in life that can’t be avoided. Things like: illness, disease, accidents, job loss, unemployment, underemployment, divorce, broken promises, dreams unfulfilled, business disaster, unexpected expenses, moving, natural disaster, etc. Bankruptcy may be that fresh start you are looking for. So--take a deep breath...breathe in that intoxicating, enticing fragrance of "starting over" and call me today to get started.

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could."

--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Puppy Love

We all LOVE our animals. Some of us think of our pets as our children. We adore them and pamper them with bones, toys, clothing, shoes, bows, etc. We of course want the best for our "kiddo-s", but is the expensive pet food REALLY worth it? According to a survey by the American Pet Products Association, pet owners will spend more than $18 billion on pet food in 2010--yes BILLION.  The $7.00 fifty pound bag dog food isn't the best for your pet. It can lead to obesity, disease, heart problems even death. However, is the $100 fifty pound bag of dog food worth it? To distinguish between feeding your pet caviar vs. fast food, turn the bag over and read the Nutrition Facts.

The first ingredient needs to be a recognizable meat product--chicken, beef, lamb, etc. Grains aren't the best when it comes to pet food. If cornmeal, wheat or gluten are listed--that's an immediate red flag. The higher quality carbohydrates like potatoes and whole grains are OK to be included in the ingredient list. Look for ingredients like "apples" not "apple extract". Apple extract is referred to as a byproduct and is not good for your pet. Don't go directly to the brand name aisle. Names such as Iams, Royal Canin, Eukanuba, etc. are great marketers and advertisers, but is the quality of the product as great? Look for the Association of American Feed Control Officials seal of approval on the bag of dog food. This label will let you know that the pet food contains ingredients that provide adequate levels of nutrients and that it was properly tested. Always use the suggested serving size, it will make the dog food last longer and keep your pet healthier.

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